| Binazir Sankibayeva | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)
This article has been viewed 13853 times

Revelation has come to liberate me
From the power of sin
That’s been integrated
As a standard of norm
As a power of hope
To restore justice in the world
Kingdom and power
All they devour
Assuming this life is eternal
False promises are all what they’ve heard of
More Coverage
Less Is More
We always want more. We sometimes so much more for selfish reasons only, turning this desire into greed, and we become oblivious to the needs of others. Greed has made many people wild in history and still does. The Gilded Age, a period of gross mat…
Black Cumin
“Black cumin is healing for all diseases except death.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Studies on the positive effects of black cumin have a long history. Even a simple list of the titles of these studies would take many pages. The research in the fie…
How Our Noses Can Sniff out Cancer (and Other Diseases!)
Every one of our five senses is unique in their own way. The miraculous sense of smell is pointed to in the famous story of Prophet Joseph when his father Prophet Jacob said, “I sense the fragrance of Joseph” from afar, and when he rubbed his shirt…
Lucky Numbers?
Have you ever thought about what your world would be like without numbers? Would we be able to build our civilization without numbers? We encounter them everywhere and we need them to survive. They are not only to use them to count, measure, and do…